Product of Digits of the number using Python

Get a number and multiply the digits of the number.

Sample Input 1:

Enter the number: 234

Sample Output 1:


Flow Chart Design

Product of Digits of the number using Python Flow Chart

Try your Solution

Strongly recommended to Solve it on your own, Don't directly go to the solution given below.

#write your code here

Program or Solution


num = int(input("enter a number"))

n = num

product = 1

while n != 0:

    rem = n % 10

    product = product * rem

    n = n // 10



Product of Digits of the number using Python Output

Program Explanation

initialize product is equal to 1

calculate the remainder of a number by doing number % 10,  multiply the remainder with total and divide the number by the 10 and repeat the above steps till number becomes zero.

Print the product, you will get the product of digits of the number.
