Python Billing System
Read this Carefully.
Write a Python Program to calculate sale bill for the selling items in a Fruit Shop.
Consider the following dictionary as a item database.
items = {
Initially the transaction dictionary is Null.
trans = {}
Code the following tasks to implement Billing System for a Fruit Shop.
1. Add Fruits to the System
a. Check whether the fruit is exists in database
b. if exists, Get id & Quantity and add the quantity to existing quantity
c. if not exists, Get id, name,quantity & price and add to dictionary
2. Calculate Bill During Sale.
a. Get id & quantity and calculate bill for one or more items
b. Calculate amount for each item
c. Reduce the sold quantity of corresponding item in items database.
d. Add item to transaction as below
trans = {201:{101:[2,400],104:[.5,35]}}
Here in Transaction 201: 2 kg apples for $400 and half kg lemon for
$35 were sold.
e. Display items, quantity, amount and total on each item entry
3. Check Stock
a. Display the items and available quantity
b. Highlight the items which are available less than 5 kgs.
Try your Solution
Strongly recommended to Solve it on your own, Don't directly go to the solution given below.
Program or Solution
items = {
trans = {}
#Stock Printing
def stock_check():
print("Item Name | Available Stock")
for item_id in items:
if items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs'] <= 5:
print("| ",items[item_id]['item_name'], " | ",items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs']," |")
print("| ",items[item_id]['item_name'], " | ",items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs']," |")
#Add New Item to Database
def add_new_item():
item_ids = list(items.keys())
item_id = max(item_ids) + 1
item_name = input("Enter Item Name:")
price = int(input("Enter Price Per Kilo Gram:"))
quantiy = int(input("Enter Quantity"))
item = {'item_name':item_name,'Quantity_in_kgs':quantiy,'Price_per_kg':price}
items[item_id]= item
print('Item Added')
print('Item id | Item Name | Quantity | Price ')
print(item_id, " | ", item_name, " | ", quantiy, " | ", price)
#Update the Quantity of Existing Item
def update_item(item_id):
quantiy = int(input("Enter Quantity"))
items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs'] = items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs'] + quantiy
print('Item Updated')
print('Item id | Item Name | Quantity | Price ')
print(item_id, " | ", items[item_id]['item_name'], " | ", items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs'], " | ", items[item_id]['Price_per_kg'] )
#Stock Entry
def add_item():
item_name = input("Enter the Item Name")
print("item id | item name")
for item in items:
if item_name in items[item]['item_name']:
print(item, " | ", items[item]['item_name'])
item_id = int(input("Enter item id (if existing)/Enter 0 (if New)"))
if item_id == 0:
#Check for Valid Item ID
while not item_id in items:
print("Not Valid Item id")
item_id = int(input("Enter item id:"))
def sale(trans_id):
total = 0
transaction_items = {}
while True:
item_id = int(input("Enter item id (0 if no item):"))
if item_id == 0:
while not item_id in items:
print("Not Valid Item id")
item_id = int(input("Enter item id:"))
quantity = int(input("Enter Quantity:"))
amount = items[item_id]['Price_per_kg'] * quantity
items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs'] = items[item_id]['Quantity_in_kgs'] - quantity
total += amount
transaction_items[item_id] = [quantity,amount]
print('Item id | Item Name | Quantity | Price | Amount')
for item in transaction_items:
print(item, "| ", items[item]['item_name'], " | ",transaction_items[item][0], " | ", items[item]['Price_per_kg'], " | ", transaction_items[item][1])
print("Total:\t\t\t ", total)
trans[trans_id] = transaction_items
#Main Function
while True:
print("Billing System\n Enter Your Choice \n 1. Add Items \n 2. Sales \n 3. Check Stock \n 4. Exit ")
choice = int(input("Your Choice:"))
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
trans_ids = list(trans.keys())
if len(trans_ids) == 0:
trans_id = 201
trans_id = max(trans_ids) + 1
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
print("Invalid Choice")
Program Explanation
add_item() method checks whether the item is existing item or new item to the fruit shop.
if item is new then it calls add_new_item() method else it call update_item() method.
sale() method gets detail of each item and fetch price from dictionary to calculate amount. amount will be added to the total. Sale() method finally decrease the sold quantity in item dictionary.
stock_check() method prints all items and its available quantity.