C Program to Reverse the Elements in array using pointers
Get array size n and n elements of array, then reverse the n elements.
Sample Input 1:
5 5 7 9 3 1
Sample Output 1:
1 3 9 7 5
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Program or Solution
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int *a,n,i,j,temp;
printf("Enter size of array:");
printf("Enter %d Elements:",n);
printf("After reversing the array:\n");
return 0;
Program Explanation
calloc() is predefined function allocates memory of specified bytes
Number of bytes is specified as (4,n), it means n 4 bytes.
Since we are using integers, specified as 4 bytes.
*a denotes first four bytes, *(a+1) denotes second four bytes, *(a+2) denotes third four bytes and so on., initialize i to first location of array and j to last location of array using i=0 j=n-1
swap the elements in location i and j, then increment i by 1 and decrement j by 1.
t=*(a+i)*(a+i)=*(a+j) *(a+j)=temp repeat the above step till i is less than j
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